By Marc Lewis

The 1977 TV season got off to a significant start this past week. In the opening segment of ABC's "The Family," the Lawrence family discovers that the long-time friend of Willy's is gay. The presentation, entitled "The Rites of Friendship", provided viewers with a realistic treatment of a universal dilemma.


The opening storv centered around nineteen year old Willy's acceptance the homosexuality of his childhood best friend Zeke Rimson. When Zeke, played by the handsome Bryan Ryers, calls upon Willy Lawrence, played by Gary Frank, to help bail him out of jail, the truth comes out. Zeke, arrested in a gay bar (apparently for being under age), assaults a policeman to avoid arrest. He reveals these details to a shocked Willy, who almost immediately throws up a wall between the two of them. Though Willy is always civil toward Zeke, he slowly comes apart at the seams.

Kate Lawrence (Sada Thompson) is the troubled yet compassionate mother who lets her heart take over after the initial shock. Her one-on-one encounters, first with Zeke and th with her son Willy, were two of the best "gay scenes" on public television and reminiscent of "That Certain Summer." She projects warmth and understanding toward Zeke that allows her to see a person rather than a sex stereotype. For her own son, she comes close to demonstrating contempt for what she sees as inexcusable immaturity in his refusal to respond to Zeke in friendship.

A more detached and reasoned approach is demonstrated by Doug Lawrence (James Broderick). As Zeke's lawyer and Willy's father, Mr. Lawrence is able to serve client before son when he tells Zeke "How Willy feels right now (about Zeke's homosexuality) is

his problem." Yet Mr. Lawrence is not unaware of the practical considerations of Zeke's dilemma. He sees Zeke as a nineteen year old in a precarious legal position, with both a father and a best friend who have turned their backs on him. He apparently defends him well (the charges are dropped); he offers him the "sanctuary" of his home and he questions rather than advises him about his future. Though concerned. about his own son's problem, Mr. Lawrence is amazingly detached from the eye of that storm.

Zeke's score with adults is the same with the younger set: two for, one against. Willy's older sister Nancy, played by Meridith Baxter Birney, off-handedly puts the

crisis into her own perspective with "Anyway, there are worse things." Buddy, Willy's fourteen year-old sister, played by Krisy McNicol, has a crush on Zeke. When Zeke reveals his homosexuality to her she immediately replies with amazing candor, "I guess I can't count on you to marry me -I'll have to look for someone else, but I'll always love you."

While the other characters are able to center their energies on extending help and affection towards Zeke, Willy's inability to cope with the situation draws, him more inward than outward in what seems like an attempt to solve his problem. The question posed is what really is Willy's problem? Is he, as Zeke contends, worried that "this thing" might be inside him as well? Or is it, as Mr. Lawrence theorizes, a reaction to having his best friend conceal something SO critically important from him? It is the latter answer that the show seems to advance.

"The Rites of Friendship" was sensitively directed by Glenn Jordon. It provided a prime time audience with a story dealing with one of the very real problems in society today and I don't mean homosexuality. It is


Perhaps with jealously but still content,

I note the disppearance of the tear That spoke of bitter loneliness a year Ago when solitude provoked lament. Now kisses, touches, glances, smiles cement The bond that frees all lovers from the fear Of boundless days of freedom bought too dear With feelings of desire too deeply pent.. The thought of two lives joined creates elation, Promotes the hope that others too may know The joys that fill your days and fruitful hours. Seeds of love so cared for will surely grow, Lushly blossoming into fragrant flowers Fit to mark this day of celebration.


for M.L. and M.W.

the problem of the reality of friendship in crisis. Though a sixty-minute presentation on such a broad problem might be accused of a degree of shallowness, it must be lauded for its attempt at initiating a brief but plausible representation of the evils of stereotypes and prejudices. Even friendship is not immune. And this SpellingGoldberg production let the public see friendship edging another victory.

(As this review was being prepared gay characters helped. issue in two more season premiers. A stereotyped gay couple appeared on the opening segment of "Barney Miller." also on ABC. Immediately following on Nancy Walker's new show, the star's "secretary" is a campy gay named Terry. With Howard and Ed's forthcoming marriage on "Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman," it should be a gay season!)

By Van Ault

I hate it here where I am At some undiscernable point

Caught between two worlds of cosmic consciousness and dense, superficial scope

Upon the wake of the pendulum

I submerged

Tread precariously

And every image around me so obscure, in

Uncontrollable shades,

Various pitches and sounds

I cannot fathom.

Trapped, indeed

To wander thru

This sweeping clutter

I am sealed away from myself, From all other,

And every vision within.

I hate it here,

Not knowing how to transcend The barren wastelands of mind.

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